Information från Google – Förändringar gällande varumärkeskonton

Som Google tidigare informerat om stängdes varumärkeskonton av för användare inom G Suites den 10 juli 2019. Dessa konton raderas permanent 15 november 2019. Användare kan dock få förlängning till 15 juli 2020 under förutsättning att de är ÖVER 18 år och INTE är elev i en grund- eller gymnasieskola.
De personer inom er domän som uppfyller dessa krav kan få en förlängning av användningen av varumärkeskonton, för exempelvis Youtube, och det sker genom att G Suiteadministratören skickar in en ansökan SENAST 1 november. Man kan skriva in flera användare på samma ansökan.
- Ansökan hittar du här.
Den som har ett varumärkeskonto kan själv koppla bort eller radera varumärkeskontot (se länk nedan). När kontot raderas tas allt innehåll på det bort från alla Googles tjänster kopplat till kontot. Även Youtube påverkas av detta och för att undvika problem bifogar vi även länkar till hur användaren hanterar en eventuell Youtube-kanal.
När varumärkeskontot är avstängt kan man behöva byta från det avstängda varumärkeskontot till det primära kontot för att komma åt YouTube enligt instruktionen nedan.
Det är viktigt att påminna alla användare om att spara eventuell data de vill ha kvar eller koppla det till ett konto utanför G-Suites-domänen.
Nedan bifogas även den information som Google skickat ut om ni av någon anledning inte fått den.
Google Customer Alert
Dear G Suite Administrator,
This is a reminder email about an upcoming deadline related to Brand Accounts that may affect some of your users. Brand Accounts allow users to use certain Google services with a separate identity (e.g., a brand identity) that is not publicly linked to their regular Google Account identity. Examples include YouTube, Google My Business, and Google Photos. Brand Accounts are not currently supported for G Suite for Education primary/secondary (K-12) school domains.
As was previously communicated by email on July 26, 2019, all Brand Accounts owned by G Suite for Education primary/secondary (K-12) users whose owners were not submitted for an extension prior to July 2, 2019 were suspended. This suspension affects only a user’s Brand Account, and does not affect their primary G Suite for Education account.
As a reminder, G Suite admins have until 11:59pm PST on November 1, 2019 to request an extension for additional qualifying users via this form. Suspended Brand Accounts whose primary owners are not granted an extension will be deleted after November 15, 2019.
Regarding the extension and unsuspension, please note that:
- To qualify for the extension, the G Suite admin must confirm that the user is over the age of 18 and not a student.
- While filling out the extension form, please only submit the email address of the users that are the primary owners of a Brand Account. Email addresses of users who are not primary owners of a Brand Account will not be processed.
- After an admin requests an extension, Google will unsuspend any Brand Accounts that user is the primary owner of within 7-10 business days. That user can then choose to download their data (while logged into the Brand Account) or transfer Brand Account ownership to a non-primary/secondary (K-12) G Suite for Education account. Users can refer to this support article for more detailed information.
- In general, unsuspension of Brand Accounts may take approximately 7-10 business days to process after submission. If accounts remain suspended after this date, admins may contact support for assistance
- No notification will be sent when Brand Accounts are unsuspended. If you want to check the status of your Brand Account, Visit and look for your Brand Account in the section listed under the “Your Brand Accounts” heading. If your Brand account’s icon appears as annotated in this image, then it is currently suspended
As previously communicated, after July 15, 2020, even Brand Accounts primarily owned by users for whom an extension has been granted are subject to deletion. Also after July 15, 2020, even users granted an extension prior to July 2, 2019 will be removed from the membership of any Brand Accounts they still belong to.
We are separately sending a reminder notification to users that are a primary owner of a Brand Account of their options, which are also documented in this support article. Attached is a list of users within your Organization that are currently a primary owner of a Brand Account. Those who have already been granted an extension as of October 10, 2019 will have an asterisk (*) next to their email address.
If you have any questions, please contact Google Support and reference issue number 130821290.
The G Suite Team